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All parts butt
Gaining appreciation (and losing taboo) every day, the backdoor is a stimulation playground. There are many parts of "anal anatomy" that can be stimulated to potentially create many different pleasurable sensations.
When talking about anal anatomy, thoughts might immediately land on the anus, a.k.a. the butthole. While the anal opening DOES offer all kinds of pleasurable sensations through a variety of ways, there are several more parts of the body to play with in this area. Get familiar with each of these below!
Anal Canal - The short connective tube between the anus and rectum surrounded by sphincter muscles. These muscles keep it tightly shut until coordinating with nerves to relax and allow passage of bowel movements (poop). The inner sphincter muscles are not consciously controlled, but the outer ones are. These involuntary, inner muscles are the ones anal explorers are trying to convince to relax and allow a toy, finger, or penis to enter comfortably. This process is why relaxation, patience, and lubricant are so important to a pleasurable anal penetration. The anal canal thusly has a very heightened pressure response, but also a degree of touch or rubbing pleasure response.

Rectum - The portion of the large intestine descending from the colon and attaching to the anal canal. It is around 5 or 6 inches in length and acts as the final holding area for solid waste. It is quite stretchy and as it accommodates accumulated waste, nerves signal pressure from this accumulation, and muscles move the waste out with the assistance of secreted mucus. What this means is the rectum has a significant pressure pleasure response. Since it runs alongside and behind the prostate and vaginal canal, pressure applied via the rectum can provide additional stimulation. Despite the fact the rectum secretes some mucus, it is nowhere near enough to lubricate for comfortable and safe penetration. ​
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Prostate - The small (walnut sized) gland located along the male reproductive system, below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Its function is to provide additional fluid to semen and assist in propelling ejaculate via muscle contractions. It is also becoming more well known to be a source of sexual pleasure when massaged. The ideal way to massage the prostate is anally, through the wall of the rectum. Being about only 2 inches in, it is easily reached via fingers or curved prostate toys. Prostate massage, or even simple pressure against it, can not only be pleasurable but can intensify orgasms. ​
Anus - The exterior facing portion of the anal canal that opens for bowel movements and otherwise remains closed. It also marks the change from intestinal tissue in the rectum to normal skin. Because of its unique structure, the anus can be stimulated with a wide variety of touches, textures, and pressures. Its recognizable pucker rests right below the perineum and shape and color can vary from person to person. These differences are usually perfectly normal. ​
Perineum - The area of tissue between the anus and the base of the scrotum or base of the vulva. Behind the sensitive skin of the perineum are muscles comprising parts of the pelvic floor. This is a nerve rich area that might be called the most ignored erogenous zone as attention often drifts to its neighbors to the north and south. The perineal area responds well to touch, stroking and pressure sensations.