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Don't say a word!  Learn about all about gags and how to keep you or your partner submissively speechless

What is a gag and what is it for?

Speech is our main method of communication.  Through it we convey such ideas as what we want, like, see, and feel.  Removing the ability significantly impacts our ability to exert power and control over a situation.  Gags efficiently and safely accomplish this and place the wearer into a very submissive role.  Simply described, a gag is any item that impairs the wearers ability to speak clearly, usually incoherently.  It is a popular BDSM accessory to power play, placing the wearer squarely into submission. To further emphasize the this position wearing a gag will create a conventionally inelegant or awkward appearance and likely a good amount of drool.   


Using a gag

​Using a gag is relatively easy, but there are few pointers one should be aware of each time they are used.  Settle the gag into the mouth first and then buckle it in place.  It should be just tight enough that the gag does not fall out of the mouth or create painful pressure points.  Remember that the intent is to obstruct the ability to speak, so the "perfect" fit is not necessary.  The appearance and awkwardness are part of the power dynamic appeal!


Next, ensure the wearer will have no problems breathing nasally (or use a breathable gag).  Since a lack of speech removes the ability to verbally stop or use a safe word, establish a clear communication method beforehand.  If hands are free, a gesture or tap can work.  If hands are not free, head movements (nods or shakes) and/or specific grunts are options.  Like with other immobilizing BDSM activities, do not leave the wearer alone.  If you are new to gags, keeping the wearer's hands free might be a good idea.  Of course, practice makes perfect.  Start simple and get to know being gagged in shorter sessions before moving on to more complicated sessions.​

Sportsheets ball gag

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​Selecting a gag

Before selecting a gag, be sure you or your partner know what factors are important to you like comfort, breathability, speech impact, and visual impact. There are a number of styles of gags, the traditional ball gag remaining the most popular, and each offering more or less of those factors.  Most fasten behind the head with a buckle style connection.  Gags are most commonly made from rubber, silicone, metal, or plastic.  Silicone is rising in popularity since it lacks smell and taste, has a pleasing texture, and can be more thoroughly washed/sterilized.   If able, we recommend selecting a silicone gag for those very reasons.  Check out a list of the different types below:​​​​

Silicone bit gag

Types of gags:

Ball gag - The definitive classic gag.  The round ball fits nicely into most mouths and is very effective at eliminating the ability to speak.   It gives a very pronounced gagged appearance for the partner or dominant.  Ball gags are most commonly made from rubber or silicone.  The common concern is fit and, unfortunately, manufacturers have not done a great job of creating an array of sizes or standards.  We have found most gags range between 1.6 to 1.8 inches in diameter with a handful of them smaller or bigger.  Even gags labeled "beginner" are usually not sized any different and may simply be made with basic materials or designed for breathability.


Bar/bit gag - A cylindrically shaped, stick like gag that is worn like a horse's "bit" between the teeth.  The bit gag is easier to wear (smaller bite area) and less awkward than a ball gag while offering similar speech blockage.  Its more narrow bite changes the look of the wearer and may appear less dramatic than the ball gag.  We recommend bar/bit gags for those wanting an easier, perhaps more comfortable, fit in their mouth.  Also, if one is engaging in pony play, a bit gag is an important accessory!  A shorter version of these gags exists and is called a barrel gag.  â€‹â€‹

Standard ball gag

"Breathable" ball gag - These are still technically ball gags, but with a design allowing for some degree of mouth breathing.  This is done by either making the gag a hollow plastic ball with holes in it ("wiffle ball" style) or a silicone ball with holes passing through it.  The plastic balls are simple and fairly breathable, but the hard material may be rather unpleasant to wear for some.  The silicone gags with breathing holes or "passages" are a newer introduction and far more comfortable to wear.  These are great choices for those with nasal breathing issues or any inhibitive distress or discomfort when using a standard ball gag.


O-ring gag/open mouth - Want access physically or visually to the wearer's mouth?  Maybe allow the tongue freer movement but still limit speech?  An O-ring gag does just that by being simply a firm ring, often made of metal or firm silicone, worn inside the mouth instead of a ball or bit.   There is a variant called a spider gag where two or more metal spokes radiate from the sides of the gag that offer an interesting visual while compressing the sides of the mouth more.   Similar to that, the claw gag removes the ring, connects the spokes to create a rounded hook, and pulls the sides of the mouth open.  Open mouth gags also clearly offer the best option for breathability.  


Other gag types - There are many other gag designs that meet more specific desires.  There are gags that feature a penis shaped dildo facing outward to allow simultaneous penetration of a partner while being gagged.  There are also short versions that face inward for a more penetrative oral experience.   There are inflatable gags and funnel gags for those looking for the submissive to swallow liquids.  Lastly, there are gags from the medical field that keep the mouth locked in positions for those who enjoy medical play or a specific aesthetic.  â€‹

Silicone ball gag
Breathable ball gag
Ring gag
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