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How to have anal sex/penetration
Increasing in popularity, but still shrouded in mystery, taboo, and outright false information, here is how to enjoy backdoor fun!
Anal sex and play has increased immensely in popularity over recent decades. Whether it is curiosity, taboo, or discovering the truly pleasurable sensations, it can and is enjoyed by all genders and orientations. Despite the steady rise in popularity and familiarity in the context of sexual exploration, it still is surrounded with bad advice, myths, and misunderstandings. Done right, anal play can be a delightful addition to your bedroom repertoire.​
First, let us clear up some myths:
Anal penetration will stretch you out (permanently) - This stubborn myth says if you engage in anal sex/penetration you will cause your anus to permanently become "loose" or lack control. The real situation is that the anus and surrounding muscles are quite stretchy and resilient. After opening after a bowel movement, penis, or plug, the anus will return right back to its normal position and condition. Done right, no harm will come to your anus and it will serve you the same way as it always has.
Anal sex is supposed to hurt - Because of the lack of good information out there, people engage in anal sex/penetration without proper prep. This usually will result in a lot of discomfort or pain initially or during the entirety of the session. The fact is that anal sex can and should be pleasurable for both parties, the giver AND the receiver. That is the whole point of sex... pleasure. With proper preparation, anal sex/penetration is just that. Lastly, pain is the body's way of saying stop, damage is imminent or occurring. Listen to it to avoid temporary or lasting discomfort or damage.
Only gay men engage in anal sex or play - This myth is fading a bit, but still persists (particularly with the straight male population). While it is true that a good percentage of the gay male population engages in anal sex, every one else has butt as well. Anal play is pleasurable to anyone with an anus, not just an anus owned by a gay man. Deriving pleasure from giving or receiving does in no way indicate what one's orientation is. It just makes you human. So, enjoy your booty, or the booty of your partner, for the simple fact it is feels good and not that it affects who you are.
Is just wrong - Whether it is social, cultural, religions, or any combination of the three factors, there is still taboo surrounding anal play/sex. It could be that "normal" people don't do that, or sinners, something reserved for deviants or "perverts". Again, anal play is just yet another way to enjoy your or your partner's body. The day is coming that people begin to accept anal as just another part of sex just like oral.
What about poop!?:
A very common concern is will there be poop? Let's be honest, sh*t happens. Engaging in anal penetration is involving a part of the body whose main job is waste elimination. Yes, poop travels through your rectum and anus. Yes, some residual can be present at any given time. However, feces are stored only temporarily in the rectum prior to a bowel movement. If you do not feel the urge to use the toilet, you may experience very little to no residual. This is certainly no guarantee. Just understand that if you are participating in some backdoor play, you run a risk of having poo make its way out or onto the toy or penis. If everyone involved understands this, then relax, have fun, and happily accept the outcome.
Planning ahead: Want to keep things as tidy as possible? For some of us it is no big deal to hop up afterwards and head to the bathroom for rinse. Others may want to take steps beforehand. The first step that anyone can and should do is be sure you have emptied your bowels. Don't need to go? Then you should be as good as you can be. If you want a clean exterior, a quick shower, bath, or wet wipe down are easy methods. If you want to clean up the interior, then an anal douche is the best tool for the job. A basic anal douche has a nozzle attached to a squeeze bottle/bulb. Fill the bulb with warm water only, gently insert (lube helps), squeeze the water into the rectum, and evacuate it into the toilet. Repeat perhaps once more, but do not overdo and strip away the protective mucous layer. ​​​
When you are ready to get to the fun part, it can help to have a few accessories ready. Laying down a sheet, towel, or blanket to catch any fluids is recommended to keep the underlying surface tidy. Waterproof blankets specially designed for sex (like the Liberator Fascinator) are excellent choices for this. A separate cloth might come in handy to for any clean up desired during or after. Anal penetration requires plenty of lube and it is easy to get it everywhere when things are hot and heavy. Speaking of lube, this is a requirement for any anal sex session (see below).
Now you are ready!​
Here are the three essential ingredients for a pleasurable anal session:
Relaxation: If you are the receiver, find what relaxes you and do it. A bath? Soothing music with the lights off? Whatever it takes to bring down tension. A relaxed mind and body will pave the way for easier penetration and overall enjoyment.
Patience: Take your time! Do not rush beginning anal penetration. Jumping right in before the muscles relax is a sure way for a painful or unpleasant experience. The receiver sets the pace and the giver respects it completely.
LUBRICANT: If you do nothing else, use lubricant. A lot. The rectum does not produce anywhere near the amount lubricant necessary for penetrative sex. We cannot stress this enough. Keep plenty on hand and add as often as needed until comfortable glide is achieved. There are lubricants intended for anal, like thicker water-based formulas, but really any will do. This is where preference kicks in and choosing the right lube is purely personal. On the subject of lubricant, DO NOT use desensitizing (numbing) lubricants or gels. Like we said above, anal sex is supposed to be pleasurable. Numbing the skin does not help relax and greatly increases the risk of damage.
Other tips:
- Practice with small toys or fingers before accepting a penis or full size toy. This helps accustom the receiver to the sensation of anal penetration. Besides being a pleasurable activity, this assists with the relaxation part of the essential ingredients.
- Experiment with various positions. There are definitely positions that each person finds the most comfortable. Some good ones to start with: Receiver on back with elevated hips, receiver on their side with knees pull up a bit, and classic rear entry.
- "Push out" during initial penetration. The puborectalis muscle is slug around the rectum and is under tension unless allowing a bowel movement. Bearing down relaxes it, straightening the anal canal and making entry easier.
- Get excited before and during. While anal feels good, stimulation and arousal can make it all the more enjoyable. Not only is orgasm possible if the penis or clitoris is being stimulated, but it can make it easier to relax and get into it.